Our Business

PROTON for everyone

B dot Medical is a medical device startup currently developing a proton beam cancer treatment system. Our goal is to significantly reduce the size of the irradiation gantry, which typically stands at around 12 meters tall, to approximately one-third of its original size. By achieving this, we aim to make proton cancer therapy more accessible to a wider population.

Ultra-compact Size, High Performance and High Efficiency

Our innovative gantry structure enables ultra-compact treatment systems, while our advanced irradiation system delivers high performance. By optimizing treatment workflows, we strive to provide efficient and user-friendly options for lesser burdensome therapy.

Magnetic Gantry

Revolutionizing Size Reduction

Breaking free from conventional structures, we have successfully achieved a significant size reduction by introducing a brand new gantry structure. This breakthrough enables the implementation of proton therapy in urban hospitals and overcomes previous challenges of limited space and cost constraints. As a result, we contribute to a substantial increase in the number of facilities offering proton therapy.

B-Flash scanning system

High-Speed Scanning and Minimized Beam Size

In scanning irradiation, a narrow pencil beam scans the tumor in three dimensions, shaping the treatment field. B dot Medical's B-Flash scanning system excels in its impressive scanning speed and minimized beam size. By combining this technology with respiratory-synchronized irradiation, we can broaden the scope of treatments to accommodate moving organs influenced by the patient's breathing.

B-Smart treatment flow

Reducing Operational Burden through Efficient Treatment

Drawing on our clinical experience at the National Institute of Radiological Science, we reassess treatment workflows to propose measures that enhance hospital efficiency and enable them to cater to a greater number of patients. We also develop unique treatment tables to optimize flow efficiency, increasing the utilization rate of treatment rooms and contributing to the financial viability of healthcare institutions.

Why Choose Us?

We are a startup from the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, a national research institute. We challenge the world through teamwork between a group of engineers with many years of R&D and clinical experience, specialists in various fields, and doctors who are active on the front lines and partner companies.

B dot Medical in the future

106 proton therapy facilities are in operation as of June 2023. 69 more facilities are planned by the end of 2026. B dot Medical will tap into the market with the ultra-compact high-performance and low-cost therapy system and further accelerate the growth.
Third-party data of Proton Facilities between 2023 and 2026.
as of June 2023, B dot Medical
Increasing number of proton therapy facilities are planned around the globe, B dot Medical will drive increased demand, accelerating market growth.

Growing to be a world top runner in sales and presence

300 rooms in 200 facilitiesBuild brand power in the world
Technological advantageDevelop product and future technologies
Mass ProductionMeet increasing global demand
Maintenance and ServiceExtend long-term support and partnership for customers
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